We are indeed in interesting times and for most of us, this is our first time having to deal with a national crisis, talk less of a global pandemic. Finding ourselves in the digital era, we are all tempted to rush online to stay updated with developing news and tips on how to stay safe.
People come across all sorts of information and become over-generous with sharing. We keep following until we begin to feel overwhelmed, instead of calm.
Despite the importance to keep abreast with issues, there’s something known as information overload and by now, we all know that too much of everything is bad. Thus, for your own sanity, it is necessary that you go ‘dark’, turn down the volume, put off the screens and take a breather from time to time.
As much as the novel coronavirus is infectious via contact, we need to protect our mental health as well to be able to ride out this period.
I’m sure you’ve complained of not having had time to do something important for your personal well-being. Well, thanks to the #StayAtHome measures put in place, you can start working on it right away. Please don’t procrastinate anymore. This pandemic will pass and life will return to its bustle nature to catch up on what it has missed out on so far.
Start with the little easy things first. Declutter your space and as you do, you’ll find that you’re decluttering your mind as well. Check in on your friends, reminisce on memories and have a good laugh. Encourage one another to hang in there. We are going to make it through this.
Today, why don’t you create a happiness playlist and soak your soul with good music? Make your favorite melodies be your lockdown sound and let them change your anxious thoughts to a hopeful outlook.
Stay at home, stay safe.