Home People Meet Entrepreneur Lyn Allure – discussing how she became a Girl Boss!

Meet Entrepreneur Lyn Allure – discussing how she became a Girl Boss!

Meet Canadian Ghanaian entrepreneur Lyn Allure; she is the Founder and CEO of the Good Girls Gone Boss brand, which focuses on providing female entrepreneurs with learning materials, financial planning resources, business coaching, as well as access to an engaged, private community of like-minded bosses. It’s the ultimate one-stop shop for Good Girls Going Boss worldwide!

Lyn’s YouTube channel caters to ambitious, millennial women looking to design, plan, and execute their dream life. Her channel primarily consists of lifestyle, entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and personal development content. We discuss her entrepreneurial journey and why she is striving to make a difference!

Hi Lyn, tell us about yourself and your career path?

I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada to Ghanaian parents. They both immigrated to Canada in their early 20s and although they were married, my Dad was stuck in Ghana for most of my childhood so my siblings and I were raised by my mom on her own for the most part. Growing up with a Ghanaian parent, post-secondary education and a “stable” job was always encouraged and promoted in our household. Creative career paths were always frowned upon so naturally I thought the path to take was what most Ghanaian parents desired, is nursing! I did my first year of post-secondary school towards nursing and absolutely hated it. I have the utmost respect for nurses because their jobs are not easy at all and so very needed.

I ended up pivoting and went into Business Accounting & Finance because it seemed like a stable career choice and I had always been quite passionate about money. I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with emphasis in Finance and worked as a Project Accountant in the corporate world. While I was in school, I started my YouTube channel and have been able to make the transition into a full-time content creator. I now create videos surrounding Personal Finance and Personal Development. I’m on a mission to help as many people as I can, especially women, to feel empowered and unlock new freedoms within their money, mindset, and business.

What motivated you to start Good Girls Gone Boss?

When I initially started my online entrepreneurship journey, I felt like I was on an island of my own. None of my friends in real life were interested in creating social media brands, let alone, monetizing their social media accounts. I didn’t personally know anyone interested in online entrepreneurship, or even passionate about Finance the way that I was. I found the process to be isolating and I had to endure a lot of the trial and error on my own. Entrepreneurship and the process of attaining financial freedom can be a daunting process so I started Good Girls Gone Boss as a solution for ambitious, money minded women to connect and gain community support, education, and mentorship.

How did you find leaving your 9 to 5 to become your own boss? What were the challenges and how did you overcome them?

The process of leaving my 9-5 wasn’t as challenging as one may think because I transitioned out of the 9-5 world, which is what I always preach to my audience. While working my 9-5, I built multiple streams of income through side hustles, investments, and building a personal brand (which is also a business). I didn’t leave my 9-5 job until my other streams of income were consistently bringing in enough money for me to comfortably live the same lifestyle without the income of my 9-5 as a Project Accountant. Money management, investing, and living way below my means were my keys to success and still are!

Define what a Girl Boss means to you?

A girl boss is happily and unapologetically pursuing her ambitions, despite inevitable obstacles. It is being authentic to who you are and not falling into society’s box of what a woman or a person in power should be. If you’re bubbly and ultra girly but also in a position of power, you have full permission to be yourself while commanding respect. If you are a straight shooter and have a Type A personality, own those strengths, and utilize them as well! Being a Girl Boss, to me, is just about confidently owning who you are while boldly going after your goals.

Growing up who were your main inspirations and why?

My mom was always an inspiration for me because I saw her taking care of three children on her own as an immigrant in a foreign country; working minimum wage and having multiple side hustles simultaneously… She was the original Good Girl Gone Boss! When I was 11, she saved up enough to buy us a nice house in the suburbs and provided us with a different quality of life, so I was able to look to her as a guide on thriving financially, despite your obstacles. I also grew up watching sitcoms like Girlfriends and I was so inspired by Joan, Toni, Maya, and Lynn. Those ladies were navigating and living their best lives as fabulous, educated, successful, black women and I loved every bit of it! When I was a little girl, I never saw ladies in my neighbourhood who were living like that, so the show gave me a loose blueprint to aspire to and that’s why I try to showcase bits of my life on my YouTube channel as well. Representation really matters.

How do you stay motivated to keep going?

A good morning and night routine helps me to have a dynamic start to my days and keeps my discipline sharp as well. My morning routine consists of 2 hours of me-time; so for the first 2 hours of the day I only interact with my energy. I journal, pray, meditate, work out, make breakfast, and try to read at least one piece of educational or self-improvement content. Sometimes I fall short but having that guideline and staying consistent with my morning and night routine helps me to stay consistent with my goals as well. Having a circle of friends who are also go-getters keeps me motivated as well because that winning energy is contagious!

Tell us a bit about Good Girls Gone Boss and what you offer?

Good Girls Gone Boss is a community of like-minded, ambitious women who are looking to plan, design and execute their dream life through financial literacy, online entrepreneurship, and generational wealth. We offer a membership community where we have weekly group video calls with me and other industry experts on topics surrounding personal finances, online entrepreneurship, and mindset. There are different courses, workbooks, and digital products to help members level up financially and reach financial freedom. Members have access to a private community of women who are like-minded and on similar journeys where the real networking and life-long bonds happen.

What does a day in the life of Lyn Allure look like?

No day is the same for me. Some days I work from the moment I complete my morning routine, all the way until I’m sleepy and it’s time for my night routine. Some days I work for about an hour or two and spend the rest of the day with my loved ones, or keeping up with my self-care maintenance (hair, nails, brows, facials, etc.). The best part about working for myself is that I get the freedom to create my weekly agendas.


Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

In 5 years, I see myself still running the Good Girls Gone Boss brand and continuing to positively impact as many peoples’ lives as I possibly can. I’m truly on a mission to serve my community and help others to unlock the financial freedom that they deserve so that they can live a life full of passion and do more of what they love with more of who they love.

 If you could go back and give your younger self any piece of advice, what would it be?

I would tell my younger self that everything is going to be okay, to trust the process and to not sweat the small mistakes (financially, career-wise, relationships, etc.). I’d tell myself that everything always works out in the end and if it doesn’t, it isn’t the end.

You can find more about Lyn here:







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