There are numerous times in life when you hear the phrase, “Water is life”. Well, it’s not just a phrase, water IS life. Without it, you won’t be able to stay alive. You won’t be able to live a healthy and balanced life. You won’t be able to uphold all the chemical reactions taking place in your body. And above all, you won’t have a beautiful glowing skin.
Water might not be the first thing to pop up in your head while thinking about skin care. But trust me, water plays a key role as it forms the basis of a skincare routine. Have you ever noticed, why your skin appears dry, flaky and dull when you are dehydrated? You might also observe fine lines and wrinkles getting more prominent.
“Eat your water” is a phrase I have used for most of my life. Staying hydrated isn’t just about drinking eight glasses of water a day. Hydration is important for achieving ultimate skin wellness. Deeply hydrated skin will appear smooth, vibrant, fresh and healthy whereas dehydrated skin feels tight, uncomfortable and appears dull.
Remember that your skin is an organ too. Whatever you drink and eat can affect it. During summers and winters, we need to put in more efforts to keep our skin and body hydrated. Don’t cheat on this as it is a good starting point and essential for healthy and glowing skin.
Staying hydrated is a must-do for the appearance and health of your skin. Your skin is a complex organ which carries millions of processes a day to keep itself intact. The processes keep you free from bacteria and allergen, regulate temperature and help in the sensation of touch – making a cooperative barrier between you and the environment. As a beautician, it really didn’t occur to me that much about drinking water until I was pregnant for my two girls. I used to drink water like nothing else existed. Throughout my pregnancy, I didn’t drinking anything else than water. And I could see a huge physical difference in my skin; which encouraged me to just keep at it.
Secret number two to wellness is, “The Graceful Art of Skin Care.”
Unluckily, there is no shortcut for getting and keeping beautiful skin. To have great skin which always looks radiant and bright, you need to put in a lot of effort. Luckily, that isn’t hard at all. It just includes a few sensible rules on a daily basis. You may find that you are already incorporating many of these rules in your life already. If so, great, you are already halfway there.
The moment you take skincare rules on-board and practise them, you will see the results gradually and progressively.
But this is the point where most of us fail. We begin to take our skin for granted and backslide the art of keeping it young and glowing. Guess what happens next? You got it, back to square one with your skin. Having health and radiant skin is a life-long commitment. Healthy skin is a result of daily habits applied consistently. Then and only then, your skin is for life.
The art of skin care should never be confusing or time- consuming. Regardless of the skin care products, some skin types only require mild cleanser and moisturizer which incorporate anti-aging components that are designed to work. You should start this by finding out what kind of skin do you have.
For more insight on skincare and well-being, read Radiant skin online at Amazon or www.bsbeautypalace.com
Written by:
Benita Blessing