The diverse opinion on the usage and addiction of social media has been outspoken over the years by public figures, who make profit out of it in terms of connecting with their fans worldwide. Some project it as something negative, whiles others only see the good side of it.
The latest to add their voices on the social craze and its effect on addicts are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. As part of their royal tour in New Zealand, where they have been addressing patrons regarding several topics, Meghan disclosed to an online youth program, Live for Tomorrow that likes on social media can really cause a questionable mark on the self-worth of some people, “You see photos on social media and you don’t know whether she’s born with it or maybe it’s a filter. Your judgement of your sense of self-worth becomes really skewed when it’s all based on likes.”
Prince Harry also chimed in, “Issues stemming from social media and gaming are a major problem for young people in the U.K and globally,” he said. ‘Fingers are often pointed at the parents but that’s not always fair as they, too, need to be educated about these things.”
Before getting married to her prince Harry, the Duchess was a lively user of social media with her frequent sharing of pictures of food, friends, flowers and her career accomplishments, but as a royal requirement she deleted it ahead of her engagement. Last week, she told a royal fan that she found it freeing to be less involved with the platforms.